Back Mercat del Peix project

Model of the project.

This is a project that consists of the creation of a new research and innovation complex, focused on biomedicine, biodiversity and planetary well-being, which will be located next to the UPF Ciutadella campus and the Ciutadella Park.

The Mercat del Peix project will involve the construction of three new buildings, which will house the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE), the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology (BIST) and a new complex at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF).

These will be built on the area of ​​7,500 square meters that is currently a car park and which was, until the middle of the 20th century, the central fish market of Barcelona (Mercat del Peix). The works will begin in April 2022 and the first researchers will begin to work at the center in the first half of 2025.

The project is promoted by the Barcelona City Council, UPF and Generalitat of Catalonia, with the participation of two strategic partners, the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the BIST.


With its own building, the IBE will consolidate its growth project for the next few years.


The IBE building, dedicated to biodiversity

In the new building, the IBE will bring together its 130 researchers grouped into 25 research groups, currently working in two separate buildings, and will open two new scientific programs, in "Conservation" and "Evolution of behavior", to increase its scientific activity . With its own building, the IBE will consolidate its growth project for the next few years, until reaching a maximum of 35 research groups, essential to compete internationally.


The construction of the IBE building (CSIC-UPF) in the Mercat del Peix is co-financed by the Department of Research and Universities of the Generalitat de Catalunya, within the framework of the call EMC/954/2019, of April 9, for the realization of unique institutional projects that enable the generation of research of excellence, the attraction of talent and the development of activities for the transfer of knowledge and valorization, through the construction, acquisition, authorization or substantial expansion of buildings for R&D infrastructures.


Information for tenderers

  • Concurs de projectes, a dues fases, per als serveis d'arquitectura de redacció del projecte bàsic i la direcció de les obres de construcció del conjunt arquitectònic format per dos edificis dedicats a la recerca per a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i l'IBE-CSIC, i la urbanització de l'entorn del complex urbanístic de la nova Ciutadella del Coneixement, situada als terrenys de l'antic Mercat del Peix, per al període 2022 a 2025 (veure anunci)


  • Serveis d'assessorament a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra i a l'Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (IBE-CSIC) en estratègia de sostenibilitat global i per a l'assoliment de la certificació LEED Platinum o equivalent en un modalitat Campus, pels edificis de futura construcció del complex urbanístic ubicat als terrenys de l'antic Mercat del Peix, del nou campus d'investigació i innovació, projecte de la Ciutadella del Coneixement per al període 2023 a 2026 (Veure anunci)


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