Members of this program carry out research on biodiversity from a phylogenetic perspective, with the aim of gaining further insight into the tree of life. The program's specific research...
Xavier Belles Evolution of Insect Metamorphosis Jaume Bertranpetit Evolutionary Systems Biology Elena Bosch Evolutionary Population Genetics Francesc Calafell ...
In our group we study the molecular mechanisms that facilitate adaptation to changing environments and the limits of adaptation using a combination of computational approaches, experimental...
OPEN The Institute of Evolutionary Biology seeks a: Lab manager/Lab technician Application deadline: 31st...
OPEN The Institute of Evolutionary Biology seeks a: Postdoctoral researcher in Microbial Genomics ...
Arcadi Navarro joins the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona as a full member The professor and...
Discovered a New Subspecies of the Montseny Brook Newt, a unique and endangered animal in catalonia A study led...