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Vés enrere Rin4’ championship: Alicia Sánchez Arroyo and Konstantina Mitsi get 1st and 2nd prize

Rin4’ championship: Alicia Sánchez Arroyo and Konstantina Mitsi get 1st and 2nd prize

These two Multicellgenome lab’s predoctoral researchers fought for their position in the podium of this competition organised by the UPF and rocked it. The final of the championship, in which PhD students were requested to explain their research in only 4 minutes, took place on April the 25th. Winner of Rin4’ Alicia Sánchez Arroyo will represent the UPF in the Catalan competition next June.



“I bet all of you have swallowed some seawater by accident your life”. This was the hook Sánchez Arroyo used to catch the attention of the audience, to take them later on to a 4 minute journey through her research, which aims at studying the unknown biodiversity housed in our oceans and rivers. En busca de las especies perdidas. Biodiversidad y ADN was the title of her presentation, for which he also got the special price of the public.

Mitsi's presentation, entitled ¿Cómo han surgido los animales? started with the sentence "When I was a little kid, I would close my eyes, count to three, and travel in time”. Wearing a black hooded cape, and as if she was telling the audience a fairy tale, Mitsi explained that since her aim is to find out the origin of multicellular organisms, her research involves somehow traveling in time too.



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