Vés enrere Concept, application and bioinformatic tools to be able to work with Genotype networks

Concept, application and bioinformatic tools to be able to work with Genotype networks

Genotype networks are a concept used in the field of systems biology to study the ''evolvability'' or ''innovability'' of a set of genotypes having the same, broadly defined, phenotype, such as viability, and to determine whether a given phenotype is robust to mutations. In two different publications researchers describe the concept, application and the bioinformatic tools to be able to work with them.



Genotype networks are a concept used in the field of systems biology to study the ''evolvability'' or ''innovability'' of a set of genotypes having the same, broadly defined, phenotype, such as viability, and to determine whether a given phenotype is robust to mutations. They have been used to study the evolvability of metabolic networks in simple organisms, by identifying how much a metabolic network can be altered without losing the ability of surviving using a given carbon source. Similarly, they have been used to study the ability of a metabolic network to ''evolve'' a new phenotype, such as the ability of surviving on a new carbon source

In two different publications researchers describe the concept, application and the bioinformatic tools to be able to work with them:

Reference article: Dall'Olio, G.M., Bertranpetit, J., Wagner, A.,  Laayouni H. 2014. Human Population Genetics and the concept of Genotype Space.  Plos One, 2014; 9(6):e99424.

Reference Article: Dall'Olio G.M., Vahdati A.R.,  Bertranpetit J., Wagner A., Laayouni H. VCF2Networks: applying Genotype Networks to Single Nucleotide Variants data. Bioinformatics. 2014, Oct 4. pii: btu650. PMID: 25282646



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