Toll-Riera, Macarena
Evolutionary Microbiology
Ramón y Cajal Researcher
Cómo sobrevivieron las mariposas a la Edad de Hielo revela claves de su futuro frente al cambio climático
Suministro de Plataforma de extracción, purificación y amplificación de ácidos nucleicos
González Pérez, Josefa
Evolutionary and Functional Genomics Lab
CSIC Tenured Scientist
Científicos de 33 países europeos unen fuerzas para generar genomas de referencia para la rica biodiversidad Europea
The IBE sustainability committee was formally created in 2022 to promote sustainability in Research with the appointment of Judit Salces as an institutional representative...
With the support of
Member of
member of
Diversity in the workplace in terms of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, languages and abilities among others should be a direction to work towards, not only because of its benefits in the...
The Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE) is dedicated to understanding the mechanisms that generate biodiversity and the genetic basis of evolution. Our work is helping to unravel how evolution...
What to do in the case of harassment: currently these are the procedures but we are working on a more user-friendly set of instructions
Un estudio demuestra que la Inteligencia Artificial puede descifrar la función de proteínas desconocidas
Es el...