Atrás The MEKRE93 (Methoprene tolerant-Krüppel homolog 1-E93) pathway in the regulation of insect metamorphosis, and the homology of the pupal stage

The MEKRE93 (Methoprene tolerant-Krüppel homolog 1-E93) pathway in the regulation of insect metamorphosis, and the homology of the pupal stage

Ref. Art.: Belles, X. Santos C.G. 2014.The MEKRE93 (Methoprene tolerant-Krüppel homolog 1-E93) pathway in the regulation of insect metamorphosis, and the homology of the pupal stage. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 52 (2014) 60-68.



This study deals on insect metamorphosis, and shows that the transcription factors pathway Methoprene tolerant (the receptor of juvenile hormone, the hormone that inhibits metamorphosis) - Kruppel homolog 1 (a master repressor of insect metamorphosis) - E93 (a factor that triggers adult morphogenesis) is the pathway that switches off and on adult morphogenesis from cockroaches to flies.

Reference Article: Belles, X. Santos C.G. 2014.The MEKRE93 (Methoprene tolerant-Krüppel homolog 1-E93) pathway in the regulation of insect metamorphosis, and the homology of the pupal stage. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 52 (2014) 60-68.



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